Micro Dill

Tangy fresh green flavour with notes of lemon and caraway.

The feathery thread like appearance of Microgreen Dill makes it an attractive addition to any dish, whilst providing a unique fresh taste.

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Product Details


Brilliant with seafood and chicken, Microgreen Dill also excels in cream sauces, salads, pastas, egg and potato dishes. 


Fine, elongated appearance with gracile leaves. Pale-yellow stems with a unique striped, brown seed husk attached to tips.


To maintain freshness, store between 1-7 degrees C.  Microgreen Dill should be consumed within 10 days of packing.  Rinse lightly under cold clean water before use.

Health Benefits

Microgreen Dill contains calcium, manganese, iron and fibre.


Open Pots & Living Top Seal Punnets. 


Flowerdale Farm’s Microgreen Dill is cultivated in hydroponic conditions and is available year round.